“Sex cannot be boring,” it is interesting in itself. But it gets a bit monotonous if done repeatedly in the same routine. First, it gets boring; then you do not want to have it, and then it causes frustration. Does sound familiar, right? Well if not, it’s great that you haven’t yet reached the boiling point and its good news. Gentlemen you can start preparing for something exciting and surprise your partner tonight.
So, how to make something already interesting, more enjoyable? That’s the art. Making sex more interesting every time shows that you care and your woman means much more to you. Let’s bring back the charm to your life with these points.
Set the right environment - There are fluorescent candles, scent emitting lights, essential oils, cosy bed and the right temperature for you to set the right mood for your partner. Do not leave everything on the feeling to happen. Sometimes, you need to set the right mood for her.
Flirt with your partner – How flirty can you get with your partner? It might sound odd at first, but if you continue, you’ll find out that you are suddenly getting irresistible to your partner. Set the right tone for flirting as if you two are meeting for the first time. Be naughty, be touchy and even talk about stuff that will help to set the right mood for having great sex.
Perform role plays – You might have heard a lot about this. This has been discussed in movies, in articles, in videos and demos. Well, role play is quite popular among happy couples worldwide. Roleplay is an exciting way to spice up the mood a bit. If done correctly, it can show wonders by creating bonds between you and your partner. Inform her beforehand about the role play that you might have thought of. It might be funnier at the beginning, but once you go ahead, it shows colours of its own.
Go out on a date – Take an off early from work, go to her and take her out for a candlelight dinner and make it a perfect evening for her. Not necessarily, you have to come home for that night. If your budget allows, book a beautiful hotel somewhere out of the daily hustle and a spend a night out together. This will cheer up both of your moods as well.
Try new sexual positions for maximum mutual pleasure – Yes, it has been a routine, and both of you seem uninterested and take each other for granted. Well, my dear friend, this is the right time for you to bring back the lost interest in your sexual life. Try new positions with the help of the all-time famous book Kamasutra.
Do this only if you have no medical condition and with her consent for mutual pleasure. It’s good to make sex wild but not at the cost of endangering your body. Discuss appropriately before going for some positions that need immense physical fitness, or you’ll end up hurting each other.