Androgenic Alopecia (AGA) is a genetic condition that can trouble men and women both. This condition is called male pattern baldness in men. One can start losing hair anytime after puberty however, during the fourth decade of your life this condition can start affecting prominently.
The common visible symptom is receding hairline which usually begins from the frontal scalp around both temples. At a later stage, excessive hair thinning starts at the crown resulting in disappearance of hair and visible baldness.
What causes androgenic alopecia?
Each strand of hair sits in its own cavity which is called follicle. Shrinking follicle triggers this type of baldness. Studies reveal that all men over age 50 have some degree of hair loss. It is affecting millions of men across the globe. Androgenic Alopecia, especially in men, can relate to several other medical conditions such as heart disease, enlargement of prostate, diabetes, obesity, and even high blood pressure. There are various genetic and environmental factors that play a key role in causing male pattern baldness. Although scalp hair does not play a critical role in our body, hair-loss can still severely impact your confidence.
How do we stop it from happening?
It is a common phenomenon that is bound to occur with age. Yet, some treatments can reduce the progression of hair thinning, baldness, and promote increased hair growth. You can also reach a professional dermatologist to get the treatment. Your doctor should begin diagnosis with few tests to assess the cause of hair loss. The most appropriate treatment can only be recommended based on the diagnosis results.
Popular solutions used to treat male pattern baldness include:
1. Minoxidil: It is a solution prescribed for direct application on the scalp. Hair follicles are stimulated with this resulting in reduced hair loss and also the growth of new hair.
2. Finasteride: The pills of Finasteride impact the production of highly active testosterone resulting in lesser hair loss. Both of these are effective and have shown results, but it stops working when you stop using them.
3. Hair Transplant: The process of surgically grafting hair into the scalp is called Hair Transplant. This procedure is performed under strict medical protocols by expert doctors. Existing hair from the areas where it is still growing is used for transplanting to get rid of baldness. It is a costly treatment and requires carefully selecting your doctor. The wrong transplant will not give the desired results and may lead to infections. After the transplant is done, you will be asked to take good care for a few months.
Experts are still studying to experiment and discover more natural ways to deal with this genetic problem. Men have been flaunting shaved heads and have often been part of a trending fashion. If you do not see baldness as a problem, you do not need any of the medicine mentioned above or treatment.